Since you know Christmas is coming and that it will probably cost a pretty large amount- plan now and set yourself up for a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Things you can do now are
- Deciding what you can afford
When the festive fever starts the raids on the supermarket shelves begin. Do not fall for the “It’s Christmas” trap and start buying expensive products.
During the festive season there are so many products to choose from and people seem to throw all caution to the wind and buy, buy, buy. Christmas isn’t a “let’s eat all we can” festival –think about what you are going to prepare, give, to whom and why.
Ask yourself, “What can I afford to spend on Christmas?” Christmas is one day – don’t ruin the whole of the next year for it. And remember, children are easy to please and do not value what you give them based on price.
- Not borrowing
Even with a couple of months to go you can start saving now to spread the cost. This is much better than borrowing and paying back later (maybe with a high interest rate).
If you can’t afford to save; cut your cloth accordingly. Focus on having a financially happy festive season and starting on a financially good note in the New Year.
- Making a List
Christmas shopping on impulse is dangerous and shops spend a fortune on targeting your spending impulses. To help you beat them make a list and stick to it.
Make a list of who you need to buy for and what you would like to include for the festive meals so that whenever you see these things at decent prices, you buy them. Put any early buys away in a Christmas cupboard.
A small tip, do not buy looking at the packaging but also buy after comparing prices of the same products.
- Keep your eyes open
Be on the look-out for discounts and deals as often when you’re not looking for something specific is when you will stumble across the perfect gift, the perfect decorations or the perfect combo of drinks.
Once the festive season kicks off, you’ll be glad that you already have some items crossed off your list all because you did not wait until the last moment to start buying holiday goodies.
Just make sure to keep your entire advance buying a secret and to find a designated (and hidden, if necessary) spot so that your purchases are not filched and used up.
At the end of the festivities do go back to pick up end-of-season bargains. Usually when the frenzy in the shops is over you can find certain items that may be hit with some really great discounts (end-January).
- Take Advantage of the Shopping Promotions
Scout out which stores have these bonanza sales each season and see if there are any items on your list that will be going on sale. The new thing now is stores having one or two day of big sales especially weekends.
Some stores like having all week offers and special discounts on their products so stay in the know during this period. Others even dish out pamphlets that offer advance tips on sales.
Be warned though—some so-called deals aren’t any cheaper than the regular sale price, so do some extra research beforehand.